If you are just checking us out, we invite you to dig into what we believe, watch one of our messages online, or better yet, visit our service this weekend. We think you will find friendly, honest people who have been where you are right now. Each of us has failures and hurts, but we have found in Jesus Christ the assurance of eternal life, and in God's Word we have found help and hope.
Worship services - 8, 9:30 and 11 am
Education hour - 9:30 am
Estimated cost: $300,000
Projected construction: 2025
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Find out what we believe and why. Get quick summaries or more detailed explanations of God, Jesus Christ, salvation, the Bible, angels and more.
Read MoreVarious ministries serve different groups and needs within our church family. Learn more about our Sunday morning classes, youth ministries, mens and womens ministries, and Bible studies.
Read MoreOur sermons are streamed each Sunday on YouTube, starting at 8 am. You can watch archived service video on our YouTube channel, or listen to our audio archives on this site or via podcast.
YouTube channel Service archive