Worship service

Service times

Sunday services - 8, 9:30 and 11 am
Education hour - 9:30 am

The goal

As we gather for worship each weekend we seek to worship God through song, through giving and through the teaching and encouragement of God’s word.

The format

We are led in musical worship by a worship band that typically includes guitar, drums, keyboard, bass guitar and several vocalists. Our worship style is largely contemporary, but also blends in some timeless hymns that effectively express biblical faith.

A central part of each service is devoted to a Bible message. We are committed to teaching the Bible expositionally. That means we generally study through various books of the Bible letting God’s word speak for itself and then applying God’s truth and principles in practical ways.

We believe financial giving is really an act of worship expressing our appreciation for God's gift of eternal life. There is no obligation or expectation to give - especially for our guests.

For children

Nursery is available during both Sunday services and the Sunday education hour, and we have children's church for ages 3-6 during the third service (11 am) sermon.
