
Morning ministries include nursery and children's church. Adult Bible Fellowships and Kid’s Build (Sunday school) meet at 9:30 am.

On hold for summer

Kid's Build (Sunday School)

We believe strongly that regular teaching of God's Word is crucial to the spiritual growth of our children. Our hope is that what happens in Sunday School is echoed, repeated and discussed further at home. To that end, we are currently going through the Answers Bible Curriculum.

Classes for ages 3 through senior high meet each Sunday at 9:30 am. Our well-qualified and experienced teachers love kids and love to share God's word. All adults working with minors are carefully trained in our Care and Safety policies and screened using references, personal interviews and a criminal background checks.

On hold for summer

Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs)

These Sunday morning groups are the heart of our adult ministries. They are essentially small churches: a community of adults who meet each Sunday morning to encourage and pray for each other and interact with God's Word. These are ongoing ministries that visitors are welcome to visit or attend at any point.

Adult Bible Fellowships meet each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in our adult wing called the Discipleship Center.

Sunday mornings


The basics

The Nursery rooms are located conveniently to the side of the church foyer near the main entrance. Nursery care is provided for children from birth up to 3 years during both Sunday morning services and the 9:30 am education hour.


The Nursery has guidelines for Check In, Check Out and Child health. Please see the nursery ministry brochure at the Nursery Check In counter or ask a caregiver for details. All adults working with children and youth have been carefully trained in our Care and Safety policies and screened using a criminal background check.

10 am Sundays

Children's Church

Children's Church is a fun, God-honoring environment for young children that provides hands-on, Bible-based teaching and activities for children ages 3-6.

When and where

Children's Church is offered during the 10 am second service each Sunday. Children enjoy the worship time with their parents in the auditorium, then are dismissed from the service just before the sermon.  Parents are asked to escort their children to the lower level classrooms. Please see a Visitor's Guide at the Welcome Center for the specific location.


Caring, experienced teachers will welcome each child into their class. All adults working with children and youth have been carefully trained in our Care and Safety policies and screened using a criminal background check.
